Hindu Groom - Muthuram Sanjivi, Krishnan

                Detailed profile of Muthuram Sanjivi, Krishnan

Muthuram Sanjivi, Krishnan
Age 35
Education MSc
District/City/Country Chennai
Caste Brahmin-Iyer
Sub Caste Ashtasahasram
Rasi Mesham
Star Poorattathi
Company, Work Location Samunati Agro Solutions, Bi-Tech Park, Chennai
Monthly Income in Rupees 80000
Mobile Number 9443847099
Family & Other Details
Well educated, nuclear , middle class family. Father retired Accounts Officer. Mother retired Officer of Postal Department. one younger brother is software Engineer and another brother is studying.. own house and plots are available.Ready to share the expenses or perform the marriage in full. Our cousins and nephews are working in Chennai, Bangalore, Trichy, Bombay.
Partner Preferences
Pure vegetarian.well educated family. Working or non working. But willing to go to abroad if required.