Hindu Groom - ARUN, RAVI

                Detailed profile of ARUN, RAVI

Age 31
Education MCA
District/City/Country Thanjavur
Caste Chettiyar
Sub Caste Vania Chettiar
Rasi Meenam
Star Revathi
Company, Work Location UAE IT Company Work From Home
Mobile Number 9894949618
Family & Other Details
We are a middle-class family. my dad oil business - retired. My mother is a housewife and I have a younger sister who got married. my native place Kumbakonam, India
Partner Preferences
I'm seeking a companion who is open-minded, family-oriented, and well-educated. I believe a life partner is a friend first with whom you form a bond over time that culminates into marriage. My life opinion is that it is a succession of lessons that must be lived and understood by both partners. Feel free to initiate contact if the above strikes a chord. Thank you for your valuable time.