Hindu Groom - Rajmohan, Ravichandran

                Detailed profile of Rajmohan, Ravichandran

Rajmohan, Ravichandran
Age 36
Education BE MBA
District/City/Country Chennai
Caste SC
Sub Caste Adi Dravida
Rasi Kadagam
Star Poosam
Company, Work Location Chennai
Monthly Income in Rupees 155000
Mobile Number 8778012818
Family & Other Details
Beautiful family with open minded , Friendly and positivity filled members. Father was a retired central Gov Emp- recently passed away, Mom is a home maker. One Elder brother - Married and settled abroad. Am simple , Well Educated, Jovial and Friendly nature. Always like to keep the environment happy and energetic. Believe in mutual respect and open communication in a marriage, looking for an honest, caring partner with similar values.
Partner Preferences
My expectations are less - The girl should be Simple, Kind Hearted, Matured, Friendly and loyal. Positive attitude towards life is very important. Mainly should be honest , open and transparent in communication as I always prefer brutal honesty over sugar coated lies.